Scratch Month

Scratch Month is a global celebration of Scratch!

This year, we transformed Scratch Day into Scratch Month! We invited people to imagine, create, and share along with us in the Scratch online community. The official 2020 Scratch Month has passed, but we invite you to dive into the Scratch Month activities any time of the year.

How to Participate


With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations. Whether you are new to Scratch or a long-time user, we invite you to imagine what you would like to create. We hope Scratch Month brings a playful spirit to those Scratching around the world!


During the month of May, the Scratch Team shared a series of weekly themes. People of all ages were invited to create projects based on any of the themes that inspire them. You can view the themes below!

Scratch Month Themes

Week 1

Recycling Bin Crafts

Make fun things out of stuff you find in your recycling bin!

Share the Love

Let’s get together and share the love! It’s a great time to remind someone how much you care about them.

Avatar Creators

Who doesn’t love making personalized avatars? Make an avatar creator for other people to play!

Week 2

How Do You Peace Out?

Design projects that help you and others feel calmer.

Interview Anything

Try interviewing something, like a piece of play-doh, a penny, a plant, a pet, or even a person.

Spiraling Sprite Art

Create mesmerizing kaleidoscopic animations from a single sprite!

Week 3

Boredom Busters

Projects that make life easier… or more fun… or more weird.

20-Second Hand-Washing Jingles

Share a 20-second activity you can do to make sure you’re washing your hands for long enough!

Week 4


Scratch turns 13 this month! In the final week of Scratch Month, create a project and celebrate Scratch in your own way!

Chain Reaction

Make a real or imaginary ball travel from one place to the next. How will it move? Where will it go next?


Share your project on the Scratch community for others to view!

Tips for Getting Started

Just starting out? The Scratch Ideas page is a great place to find tips for getting started, tutorials, Scratch Coding Cards, and more, before jumping into Scratch Month themes.

Have limited or no internet access? The downloadable Scratch app allows users to create and save projects with or without an internet connection.

For Younger Children: ScratchJr is a free creative coding app for children (ages 5-7) to program their own interactive stories and games. The ScratchJr Teach page offers educational activities and resources to engage children in a variety of ScratchJr activities. ScratchJr works on an iPad or Android tablet. It’s a great way for younger siblings to engage in Scratch Month!


For Educators

The Scratch Month themes are designed to spark project ideas and learning through creative coding at home. The themes will offer a variety of topics to engage many interests, styles, and abilities. Studios are also a great place to find inspiration! We invite learners to visit the Scratch Month studios to remix projects that they find interesting. Remixing, or making a copy of a project and modifying it to add new ideas, is a great way to learn to program and create unique projects.


#ScratchAtHome will continue to provide ideas for engaging in creative coding activities for families and educators. It will be updated regularly with new ideas, events, and resources.